Cultural difference – meaning in this case national culture – is just one of the many barriers to communication.

To a certain extent, with a lot of good will on all sides, we muddle through. Just like we do with other barriers such as age, gender and personality.

But it can be better than this.

Learning about models of personality, such as the Myers Briggs Personality Type Indicator or DISC, can help us to get beyond the irritations of personality difference, and access the huge potential that this diversity offers.

In the same way, there are ways of looking at cultural differences which will help us to get beyond “muddling through” and get at the synergy on offer when people from different cultures attempt to do something together.

Our offer on Cross-Cultural Communication has two components:

  • A workshop which takes participants through some of the models that help us to understand and navigate national cultural differences

  •  One-to-one coaching where specific cross-cultural challenges can be worked through and productively addressed over time.

A bit more on the workshop. It looks at:

  • The underlying roots of culture, such as values, beliefs, preferences and practices, and how they become evident in everyday language, customs, pace of life etc

  • Five dimensions of culture, and how they apply to issues of management, strategy, communications, reasoning and planning

  • Our own cultural styles, how they compare to others we need to work with, and how to adjust our behaviour to flourish in cross-cultural settings 

  • How we can set up an Action Plan to grow in cultural intelligence over time.

 Jennifer Snelling is our guru on all of this -

Hugely experienced in working across cultures, and now practising as a coach, Jennifer is someone we are extremely fortunate to have working with us.

To explore this further, please contact and we’ll work with you to design something just right for your needs.